2. Carole Lombard

These are the books/articles I read and some of the videos I watched while researching Carole. I would highly recommend just watching some of her movies to get to know her more in-depth. (Hands Across The Table, My Man Godfrey, Mr. & Mrs. Smith would all be good starts.)
Listen to Carole’s Episode HERE
Swindell, Larry. Screwball: The Life of Carole Lombard. Echo Point Books & Media, 2016.
Matsen, Robert. Fireball: Carole Lombard and the Mystery of Flight 3. GoodKnight Books, 2014.
This next one is an amazing book to own. Its a gigantic coffee table book but it is easily one of my top 3 favorite coffee table books. A feast for the eyes, you will not regret getting it.
Vieria, Mark. George Hurrell's Hollywood: Glamour Portraits 1925-1992. Running Press Adult, 2013.
Harris, Warren G. Clark Gable: A Biography. Three Rivers Press, 2002.
Tornabene, Lyn. Long Live The King: A Biography of Clark Gable. WH Allen, 1976.
Kanin, Garson. Hollywood. Viking Press, 1974.
Mann, William J. Wisecracker: The Life and Times of William Haines, Hollywood’s First Openly Gay Star. Viking. 1998
Article about Carole’s Accident in 1926
AD Article: Step Inside Carole Lombard's Dutch-Style Residence in California. March 1, 2006
FANTASTIC Fan site: Carole & Co (They update it weekly and anything you’d want to find out about Carole will be there.)
Carole Lombard Documentary (Produced by Baha’i Faith)
Inside Carole’s Home on Hollywood Blvd.
God Awful, please be drunk before you watch this next one…
I normally wouldn’t have time to watch all of these movies but…April 2020!!
Carole Lombard: The Glamour Collection
No Man Of Her Own
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
To Be Or Not To Be
Music Used
All music (other than my theme music) is from epidemicsound.com
Samba Party By Tiki Tiki
Shinigami by SINY
Midnight Swing By Jules Gaia
Bricks By Gettz G
Palm Trees By Justnormal
Pandora By The New Fools
Mannerism By Gettz G
Near By SINY
Just Cool Down By Fox Morrow
Home By 11 By Sarah, the Instrumentalist
A Snake Walking By Roral Creef
Zulu By Lucas Pittman
All My Time Is Spent With You By DJ DENZ The Rooster
Autumn Mourning to Winter Nights By DJ DENZ The Rooster
Lush Dreams By The New Fools
Hollywood Hotel By DJ DENZ The Rooster
Luminous By Andre Aguando
Successful Summer By DJ DENZ The Rooster
Chow Mein By Cushy
Analogue By SINY
Ekans By Molife